Before this season, Mammoth Resorts requested that June Mountain move to the same region as Big Bear Ski Patrol, so they have moved from the Professional Division back to the SoCal Region along with us. Much work was done last season with June Mtn Patrol Director, Eric Diem. Eric was at Bear Mtn to renew his OEC instructor status, teaching in George Tinoco's class, and later brought the same class up to Mammoth to teach another session. Many of you might have met Eric when he was here working with Mark Giebel and Dave Moore during the Certified mid-winter clinic hosted at Bear Mtn.
The Far West Division leadership team, including Bill Gibson and Richard Wilson, confirmed the transfer yesterday. This opens June Mountain for Region training opportunities. With ongoing conversations at Mammoth regarding the possibility to use volunteers in their Hill Safety program, how bright is the future for all of us at Mammoth Resorts…..
Eric is happy to have BBSP staff patrol at June Mtn (Level 1 Avalanche certification.required). You will get a voucher for day, but at this point it would not count towards your BBMR duty days. If you're interested, send a note to Jim Murphy.