The Big Bear Ski Patrol (BBSP), comprising of Bear Mountain, Snow Summit and now Snow Valley is officially kicking off our 2023 OEC Cycle A Refresher.
There are two parts to the refresher, same as last year, the online modules, and the in-person skills stations which will be held on Sunday October 22nd, 2023 at Snow Summit.
All training is mandatory for all active alpine and base patrollers.
- Sign-up and complete online Cycle A refresher
- Save certificate of completion for on the hill check-in
- Sign up for 2023 OEC Cycle A Skills Refresher at Snow Summit
- BBSP requires all active patrollers to complete the On-Line 2023 OEC Cycle A Refresher Modules before the on the hill skills stations.
- Completion of both the Online Modules and the Skills Refresher are required to be on your record to receive credit for OEC Cycle A. If both are not completed, your OEC card will not be valid.
- The online portion consists of 13 OEC modules, a brief DEI module (optional), and an evaluation, and takes about 4-6 hours to complete. You can complete this in several sessions (recommended).
- Go to
- Log into your NSP account on the new NSP member site.
- On the member home page, click on the Blue Box that says: “Center for Learning.”
- Click on the Yellow Box that says: “Browse Catalog.”
- Scroll down the courses on the right side of the page until you see “2023 OEC Refresher Cycle A Online Modules.”
- Click the blue “Enroll” box.
- That will take you to your Learning Center where you can click on the “Launch” button to start the course.
- You may receive a message from your browser that a pop-up window was blocked – this must be turned off for the online course to work properly. There is an article on the NSP web page on how to turn off pop-up windows in your browser.
- Do each module in order and make sure you watch all of the videos, exercises and click on all of the various active content icons, sliders, dials…etc.
- You can stop anytime after a module is complete and save it and exit, and it will remember where you left off.
- You may print a certificate after completion if you need one. Get started today and avoid the rush!
Additionally – You also need to register for the 10/22/23 Hands-On 2023 OEC Cycle A Skills Refresher at Snow Summit. Referring to the list above, go back to the Learning Center page with the three color boxes and choose the yellow “Browse Catalog” box. At the top of the page, type “Big Bear Ski Patrol” in the “Search Catalog” box and the October 22nd OEC Cycle A Skills Refresher should come up (See image below). Click the “Enroll” button
You should see an enrollment confirmation in your “Learning Center” and you should receive an e-mail confirmation as well.
Please bring your stocked first-aid belt, pack or vest, your OEC card, your NSP card or number, your CPR pocket mask, your CPR book, card and money if you are taking the CPR recertification course, sun lotion, and drinks and snacks to last you through the refresher. There will be no lunch breaks. You should study the CPR material in advance if you are going to participate in the CPR recertification course during the OTH portion of the refresher on Saturday October 22nd. The latest CPR Guidelines can be found on BBSP website (click here).
Questions regarding the instructor refresher or anything related: Call or email Phil Ben-Joseph.